Procurement & Purchase Management

Transform your purchase process with an easy-to-use & highly customizable software

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Trusted by over 11,000+ businesses of all sizes

Transparency is control

Streamline all stages of your procure-to-pay process

Manual processes undermine the performance of your procurement system severely. Studies show that procurement solutions improve transparency and spend control by 50%.

Fast-track procurement
Say goodbye to long series of calls & paper works. Standardize processes in a shared platform to speed up communication & transactions.
Vendor management
Compare & evaluate multiple vendors and review past vendor performance. Manage contracts effectively to achieve quality and cost savings.
Visibility and control
Gain instant access to real-time purchase information in a single click. Use role-based user rights to exercise effective control.
Internal compliance
Define organization policies and workflows with approvals. Identify and prevents red flags in the purchasing process to ensure compliance by process automation.
Procurement & Purchase Management


PACT offers you a simple and effective solution to keep track of your business spend, improve procurement speed, and prevent frauds.
Configurable Procure-to-Pay Process
Vendor Management
Vendor Down Payment Management
Purchase Quotation Analysis & Comparison Reports
Generate Purchase Orders from Comparative Analysis
Configurable Approval Matrix
Item, Service, Asset Procurement
Tax Charts
Drop Shipping, Consignment Purchases
Price Contracts
Why PACT RevenU?
Available On-Premise
Available on Cloud
Third-party Integrations
Remotely Accessible
Seamless Migrations
Local Support
Highly Scalable
Powerful Customizations

PACT is everywhere

We offer solutions across multiple devices. Manage your business anytime, anywhere.
Desktop / PC
Desktop / PC
Own an ERP completely customized to meet your specific business requirements.
Browser / Web
Browser / Web
Gain the flexibility to do your business from absolutely anywhere in the world, anytime!
Mobile / Tab / iPad
Mobile / Tab / iPad
Get up-to-the-minute information at your fingertip, improve service quality.
Unify data across different systems with successful third party application integrations.
Top Rated ERP

Book an appointment

It’s exciting to see how our ERP transforms businesses. Get started with your business process automation today with PACT!
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